Peace Camps

Human rights violations can often be committed during times of war. It, therefore, makes sense that activists would specifically protest against armed conflict. One way to do this is by setting up a peace camp. They tend to be created within areas associated with the military. Alternatively, the base could be close to government buildings.

Over the years, there have been several high profile peace camps. For example, Sky News covered a man who set up a tent outside of the Houses of Parliament in order to bring attention to the Iraq War. Peace camps have existed since the 1920s. They came to prominence in the early 80s. The Greenham Common Women’s Peace Camp stands out as a famous example.

They are particularly popular within the United Kingdom. People who are against the proliferation of nuclear weapons will often set up camps near missile and submarine bases. Creating a peace camp is a serious commitment. The person will need to live there for extended periods of time. This can mean giving up their job and family life. However, it is also an excellent method for visually signifying displeasure at the government.

Protest Methods

When fighting for human rights issues, it is common for advocates to engage in some form of protest. Many people utilise non-violent methods to help spread their message. Doing so ensures that opponents do not accuse them of rioting. There is a surprising number of ways to get a point across peacefully.

A typical example is marching. Every year numerous organisations take to the streets in order to protest against human rights violations. International journalism organisations such as Reuters tend to cover these gatherings. In addition, it is common for protestors to hold signs and posters. Doing so will give the general public vital information about their cause.

Alternatively, the protestors could decide to hold a sit-in. This is a popular act of civil disobedience where people sit within a specific area. It was utilised effectively by the 1960s civil rights movement. Sit-ins are a great way to spark sympathy among the public.

Another option is to engage in hunger strikes. The protestor will stop eating until their demands are met. While this is effective, it can also be hazardous to the person’s health. Hunger strikes create a significant amount of pressure. In the past, they have proven to work in effecting societal change.

In recent years online activism has become more popular. It is ideal for people living in areas where anonymity is vital for their safety. Advocates can create social media pages containing information about human rights violations. They could even recruit new members to their organisation via the internet.